Thought provoking, but Russia did not invade Ukraine during Trump 1.0. Only after Biden convinced them that there would be no consequences for doing so.

I think we are in a different place now. Democrats have been increasingly relying on lies and deception for all of their policies and actions. It finally got to be too much for almost half of all voters. It they had tried to be honest about a few things, Trump could not have won.

When Harry Reid was asked about his lie about Romney’s taxes he said, “well it worked didn’t it.“

This time by a margin of 1.5%, all the lies did not work.

Trump always seems to show everything on his mind. His “lies” don’t seem to be dishonest in some way. His opponents continue to rely on dishonesty because they hate and fear him so much. That probably won’t work.

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Are we entering a Warring States Period in U.S. duopoly politics? The federal vs state battle for societal standards appears to ramping up. Good post this week!

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