Hooo. Picture of Bill Gates. Gather everything up in a monopolistic pile, never come close to forsaking multiple lavish lifetimes when doling the largesse, garner praise and power (and nudge those tax exemptions)--billionaire charity, baby!

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Agreed. He crossed my mind. For every three steps forward toward good (malaria, vaccines, nuclear), he takes at least three back (Davos, green energy, blindly liberal policies). Nevertheless, there are millions, and I mean millions, of every-day folks who contribute billions in money, yes, but time and energy as well, to their neighbors and communities. I don’t think the numbers cited capture the value of that philanthropy. I pray we never lose that sense of obligation. It’s what keeps us human.

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The US stock market is not only bigger than any of the others listed, it is bigger than ALL of them combined. The news and politics businesses emphasize the negative because that is how they stay in business. As a result, both are non-factors in efforts to solve problems. They have ceded their places at the table.

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When the estimable Mitch Daniels, whom I've known since he was Sen. Dick Lugar's (R-IN) chief of staff more than 40 years ago, stepped down as President of Purdue, I encouraged him to run for President. I still can't think of anyone better for the job today than him.

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I never understood why he disappeared from politics.

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He's a normal human being, an executive at heart, who never had the ego or the stomach for the daily grind of partisan politics—just the kind of person we need as President.

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I quite understand why you felt the need to put this out after Thursday night. Well done Bruce!

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Great news in five charts. Happy Independence Day.

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Thank you for writing this! I think I speak for many when I say that your sentiments are what we really need. We’ve got a lot to be thankful for and proud about. Your piece is like a shot of B12. Thanks.

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A "six words to describe the USA" winner I liked (sorry don't remember where): OUR GREATEST CRITICS STILL LIVE HERE. Always struck me as essentially true, despite the every-four-year gang of 'I'm moving to Canada' promises.

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YES! And the ones who threaten to leave if (fill in the blank) rarely if ever do!

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Thank you for focusing on the positives! We don’t deny the problems but we shouldn’t ignore what works!

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The majority's gotta be right😉

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Is the migrant graphic per year or total since inception?

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Mitch Daniels may be the logical and common sense person in America. Why can't we have someone like him as president?

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Go USA! Mitch Daniels, please run for President!!!

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Voted for Mitch Daniels for President (write-in) in 2016 and looks like I'll be doing the same this November.

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Still, we do have one of the WORST presidents ever, and bunch of idiotologues who don't see that as a problem.

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Thank you!!! 🇺🇸

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