Oh Bruce, I could not bring myself to hit the 💟 button as the charts make for heavy-hearted reading. Once again, a great 6-pack of Sunday charts. Thank you! There should be a button for noted, others should pay attention! I suggest the 👀 emoji!

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Great charts as always. There is a paradox to the “safe” seats in Congress. You would think that not having and competition from the other party would make a Member of Congress more independent, but the opposite has happened. In a 70% Republican seat, a candidate does not need to talk to the other party. However, even though they do not have to worry about the general election, they have to worry about their own primary. As a result, the Republicans become more conservative and the Democrats become more progressive to avoid competitive primaries. So a Congress made up of 90% safe seats becomes even more ideologically divided. The only people with an interest in bipartisanship are those from highly competitive general election seats. They have to talk to the other party or they lose.

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